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Find your true self & live out purpose 

Cathy and the B'You Journey

Every great venture has a story; I like to call mine an adventure.  Much like Alice in Wonderland (my favourite childhood book) it has been a journey down the rabbit hole in pursuit of reconnecting with my true self.


From the time I was a very young girl I fell in  love with fashion.  I grew up with my paternal grandmother who was a seamstress, so I always had access to fabric which I used to make clothes for my dolls and myself.  Back then, 'Style With Elsa Klensch' was popular and my go to place for inspiration to be a Fashion Designer one day. I was intrigued with everything about it.  Unfortunately, this dream was not met with favour from my family and was seen as 'nothing to aspire to'.  With the lack of encouragement, ridicule and dismissive comments my creative spirit was crushed and I lost my sense of self.  


Pursuing other Avenues

Though I would go on to pursue other avenues as I got older, I never gave up totally on my desire to be a designer. I have always been quite defiant. So with my resolute self, I purchased my first sewing machine in 1993, which I still have today and with a strong will and brave heart I pursued and gained various qualifications in my desired field through organisations including, Barbados Vocational Training Board, Barbados Community College and Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology.


So why B' You Designs?  

I had been working my business unofficially as a part time hustle for many years and after my son was born in 2006, as a single mother, I felt inspired to finally take the leap into full time entrepreneurship. I was lost and afraid, but determined to not have him grow up to be another statistic, especially since I grew up without a mother.  I love designing but there is no job I take more seriously than being a parent. 


A Dramatic Change Took Place 

It wasn't until two years later in 2008, when I was brainstorming names for the business that it came to me, 'Be You', It was at a time when I was desperately fighting to reconnect with who I was at my core. What a major download that was...Be You!


This gave birth to both the birth of the name of my company and a renewed me. This has since been and will always be my mantra. To be yourself no matter who the world tries to tell you to be is to be genuine, unique and You.  Only you can Be You. Yes, it is important to add to ourselves, knowledge and other virtues, but get it, its being added to you to enhance you to be a better you; not a better him or her...a better you. 


You are all unique individuals with a song in your heart that only you can sing and this world needs it to contribute to the symphony we call life. This world needs you to be you.

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