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I am Cathy B


Fashion Designer and Founder of B' You Designs and it's subsidiary the Sweet Spot Ladies Fitness Line.

Welcome to our holistic beauty & wellness center....Looking forward to serving you! 

B' You Designs | the journey

B’ You Designs is the culmination of acquired skills, passion and a love of living a creative lifestyle through fashion.  Born from a desire to reconnect with my true self at a time in my life when I felt lost and unacquainted with my reflection, it has become the mantra and message to my clients.


More than just a business, we are a personal style experience offering a range of products and services inclusive of premium custom wear, top-of-the-line alterations for both ladies and gents, apparel transformations and accessories.  We encourage women to not fall victim to the trends of the day, but instead, to own their personal style by accepting and embracing themselves fully.


We also offer one-on-one tutoring to persons desirous of learning the art of dressmaking or up-levelling their skills.  

Let us inspire you to Be You!

Cathy B  


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